Macbeth Footwear (previously known as "Macbeth Athletics") is a company founded by Tom DeLonge and Mark Hoppus of Blink-182. They founded the company in 2002-2003. The company sells primarily footwear, but also sells t-shirts, sweatshirts, and sunglasses (among other accessories). Macbeth is a mostly vegan company and is heavily influenced by music and other creative arts. It has two logos, one is the signature Macbeth Pennant as well as a Griffin (a lion with wings). Macbeths main online source is, which was also founded by Tom DeLonge and Mark Hoppus. They had also previously founded Atticus Clothing.
Mark Hoppus sold his share in all three companies after the break-up of Blink 182.

Macbeth The Matthew + The Eliot Product
Picture above shown that me with my friend represent macbeth shoes at our college..wakaka!
Opey(The Eliot Product)
Donald(The Eliot Product)
Ken(The Matthew Product)
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